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How to Make Garin Danwake (Danwake Flour)

Garin Dan wake
Ratings 4.3 from 2 votes
Difficulty Beginner
Prep Time: 30 min Total Time: 30 mins
Servings 20
Best Season Suitable throughout the year

Perhaps you have heard of Danwake, or even made it yourself, but you don't know how the main ingredient is made. This article seeks to teach you how to make Garin Danwake (Garin Danwake flour). It is very easy to prepare, as you will see in this post later on.

It will interest you to know that Garin Danwake has different types. We have the one made from cassava, Danwaken Rogo; the one made from wheat, Danwaken Fulawa; and the one made from guinea corn, Danwaken Dawa. All these types of garin danwake are prepared the same way. The only difference is that instead of the cassava we will be using as one of the ingredients in this article, substitute it for either wheat or guinea corn. It’s that simple!

Let’s get started, people!

    Ingredients for Making Garin Danwake
  • 2 cups Bambara beans (gurjiya)
  • 1 Dried cassava (rogo)
  • 1 cup Dried baobab(garin kuka)
  • 4 cups Beans
  • 2 cups Wheat (alkama)
  • Potash (As required)
    Procedures for Making Garin Danwake
  1. Spread the beans on the tray and pick up any unwanted particles or dirt. Do the same for the wheat (alkama) and bambara beans (gurjiya).
  2. Pour the dried cassava (rogo) into the dry mill and grind until it turns coarse (not too soft). Alternatively, you could use a mortar and pound. When you are done, pack it and put it in the bowl.

  3. Add the beans (wake), bambara beans (gurjiya), and wheat (alkama) inside the bowl.

  4. Add powdered kuka (garin kuka) and potash (kanwa) and mix all of the content very well.

  5. Take the mixed content to a grinding machine until soft.

  6. Finally, spread it on a clean surface, such as a tray or mat, and allow it to cool. Ensure you do not use it while hot. This will result in not having a good Danwake.


How to Store Garin Danwake

Always store your garin danwake in a tight container or leather bag to avoid air and unwanted particles getting into it.

Nevertheless, it is at its best when used within a month of its preparation.

Health Benefits of Garin Danwake

Garin Danwake helps our hearts stay healthy, lowers body fat, balances sugar levels, reduces the risk of cancer, and satisfies us.

Also, it lowers the risk of metabolic syndrome, promotes wound healing, prevents malnutrition, reduces blood pressure, and helps in maintaining a healthy weight.


As you have seen above, Garin Danwake is very easy to prepare, regardless of what you are making the flour from.

Now that you know how to make Danwake flour, perhaps you should try making your own.

You could also check how to make Tamba Powder (Garin Tamba)

You are always welcome to Northpad Nigeria for more local delicacies.

Keywords: how to make garin danwake, how to make danwake flour