Kitchen Tips

Can You Freeze Cooked Food?

Can You Freeze Cooked Food

The question of whether you can freeze cooked food is something we all wonder about, especially when we have leftovers and excess from previous meals. Freezing food, either cooked or uncooked, is a common method of maintaining and preserving food for an extended period of time. Additionally, freezing food helps to extend its shelf life if packaged, stored properly, and kept in the best conditions.

In this article, we share with you the benefits of freezing cooked food, the best ways to freeze food, and the types of food that can be frozen. We also provide you with tips on how to freeze cooked food the right way.

Can You Freeze Cooked Food?

The direct answer is yes; you can. Various types of food are cooked and can be frozen, such as sausage gravy, fish pie, waffles, pot roast, scrapple, ham, broth, liver pate, chicken casserole, tater tot casserole, tomato soup, spinach artichoke dip, lentil soup, ham and beans soup, and many more. Freezing cooked food allows you to maintain its taste, flavor, and quality for some time. It also allows you to store them for a certain period, a maximum of 6 months, and in the case of nuts, 12 months.

However, there are a few exceptions, like eggs, creamy soups, and some vegetables, that should not be frozen. The reason is that they are not freezer-friendly and over time, they begin to lose their original texture and become soggy and mushy in the freezer.

Benefits of Freezing Cooked Food

Earlier, we answered the question, Can you freeze cooked food? Now, we will talk about the benefits of freezing cooked food, which have been mentioned before. To help you have a clear and concise answer, below are the benefits of freezing cooked food.

1. It extends the shelf life of food products

One of the benefits of freezing cooked food is that it extends its shelf life. When you freeze cooked food, you extend its shelf life by maintaining its taste and quality for some time. This way, you can enjoy the food later when defrosting it overnight in the refrigerator.

2. It maintains the taste and flavor of food

Freezing cooked food can do amazing things for it. It helps to maintain and preserve the original taste and flavor of food; even the quality and texture are well maintained.

3. Be in Your Comfort

Another benefit of freezing food is the convenience and ease it gives you. If you are a busy person or a mother with kids, you can prepare different dishes ahead of time and pile them in your freezer without having to worry. Food like waffles, peanut butter, popcorn, and egg sandwiches can be frozen for the kids, which keeps you from making fresh batches all the time.

4. It reduces food waste and spoilage

Freezing cooked food helps prevent the food from going bad and ending up in the trash can. By simply freezing leftovers or excesses, you stop the food from going to waste and spoiling.

Best Ways to Freeze Cooked Food

There are two proven ways to freeze cooked food and they work all the time. Provided that you package cooked food properly, these storage options do not disappoint:

1. Airtight Containers

Air-Tight Containers

The rule of thumb for freezing food in airtight containers is to never fill them to the top. Always leave room for expansion while in the freezer. Also, you can add a layer of cling film before closing the lid to help prevent freezer burn.

Airtight containers are available on Amazon or Jumia.

2. Freezer Bags

Freezer Bags

The rule of thumb for freezing food in freezer bags is to always push out or squeeze out air from the bags before sealing the openings or edges.

3. Label Containers/Bags

Label Containers/Bags

The last thing to always do when using these storage methods is to label containers or freezer bags with the date of freezing. Using a marker pen, write down the name of the food product, the date you are freezing it, and how many months you are storing it for. This helps you track how long a food product has been in the freezer.

Types of Food that Can Be Freezed

Coming back to the question of whether you can freeze cooked food, there are a few foods that can be frozen and some do not freeze at all, like honey. The types of food that can be frozen to maintain their taste, extend their shelf life, and reduce spoilage and waste are:

1. Soups and Stews

Soups and stews freeze really well and can stay good for about 3 months in the freezer. Examples of a few are lentil soup, tomato soup, cream of broccoli soup, etc.

2. Casseroles

Casseroles like tater tot casserole, chicken casserole, etc. can be frozen and last up to 3 months in the freezer.

3. Meat and Any Type of Meat

Meat can be frozen as well. Other types of meat, like salami, scrapple, sausage, and meatballs, can be frozen. Although meat is not freezer-friendly, it stays up to 2 months in the freezer.

4. Rice

Rice can be frozen both cooked and uncooked and it stays up to 6 months in the freezer before going bad or spoiling.

Tips for Freezing Cooked Food

There are a few tips to keep in mind when freezing cooked food for the best result.

If these tips are not followed, food may go bad quickly, which will lead to spoilage and waste. For best results, follow these tips when freezing cooked food.

TIP 1:  Always allow cooked food to cool completely before freezing.

TIP 2: Use either airtight containers or freezer bags to package cooked food.

TIP 3: Always label containers or bags with their storage date.

TIP 4: Ensure you consume food within the storage months. For best quality, foods that 3 months should be consumed within the first 2 months and 6 months should be consumed within the first 4 months.

TIP 5: When ready to eat again, always defrost food in the refrigerator. This way, if it requires refreezing, the food will be safe and stay frozen for some time.


We hope this article on Can you freeze cooked food has answered all the questions you may have about freezing food successfully. With proper storage methods and the following tips, you can extend the shelf life of food, maintain its taste and quality, and keep the food from going bad in the freezer. If you are ever left with excess, the next thing you should do is freeze. We hope you found this article helpful.


Is it safe to freeze food right after cooking?

Unfortunately, no, it is not safe. Food should not be frozen right after cooking. Instead, it is best to allow the food to cool completely at room temperature before freezing.

Can you refreeze cooked food and heat it?

Absolutely, there is some food that requires you to and it is safe to heat cooked food directly from frozen. You can also heat food over a stovetop or pop it in the oven or microwave by using the defrost setting.

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